Key information
To see specific contacts, tap or click on a heading. (Tapping/clicking will also close it.)
☎ Translators
Alicante hospitals: Vanessa Hernandez 649 606 035 (12 euros an hour).
Valencia region: Susan Sanhuan 96 275 8759 / 606 517 656 (50 euros per visit, no time restriction).
Dénia hospital contact HELP: Jill Porter-Smith 96 575 6335 / 686 824 750. For out of hours a donation is required.
AFPO also runs its own dedicated interpreters' service at the Centro de Salud in Calpe.
☎ Emergency services
All emergencies 112
Salud (Health centre) 96 687 0450
Emergencies 96 687 0451
Guardia Civil 96 583 0080 or 96 585 4272
Emergency 062
Municipal police 96 583 0812
Local police 96 583 9000
Emergency 092
National police 091
Ambulance 96 583 1616
Fire station 96 585 4080
Emergency 085 or 112
Coastguard 900 900 202 202
Red Cross 96 583 1616
Alicante consulate 96 521 6022
☎ Useful contacts
Ayuntamiento (town hall) 96 583 3600
Foreigners' office: Sylvia Murcia 607 536 476 or
Linda Townsend 96 583 0413
Civil protection 96 583 8198 or 96 583 8001
Alicante airport 96 691 9000
Valencia airport 96 159 8500
Murcia airport 96 817 2000
Calpe locksmiths (24hr callout) 646 568 444 or 649 687 912
Taxi 96 583 0043 or 96 583 7878 or 96 583 0038 or
676 649 490 (English)
Railway station (FGV) 96 583 7610 or 96 526 2731
Renfe 902 240 202
Bus station 96 583 9029
Cultural centre (Casa de cultura) 96 583 9123 Josep Llinares
Iberdrola 901 202 020
Gas Butano Cepsa 96 583 6339
Gas Butano Repsol 96 583 0789
Aguas de Calpe 96 583 7707
Nesco (bulky refuse) 96 583 2561
Suma 96 583 6604/05
Correos (post office) 902 197 197
Information (Comunidad Valenciana) 012
Officina de Turismo (Puerto) 96 583 7413
Officina de Turismo (Salinas) 96 583 6920
☎ Hospitals
Alicante General 96 593 8300
Alicante San Juan 96 593 8700
Dénia 96 557 9700 or 96 578 1090 or 1091 or 1092
(For "help desk" 11-2 Mon to Fri, ask for Ayuda de Dénia)
Elche 96 667 9000
☎ Clubs and Associations
AFPO Association of Foreign Property Owners (this Web site)
Calpe Badminton Club 687 419 983
Calpe Bowls Club
Stan Walmsley 619 153 434
MOFTAG Ladies social group that fundraises for charities
Jenny Godfrey 639 139 518
Ian Ritchie 96 583 3102
Rotary Fellowship 634 306 709
Royal British Legion
Welfare Officer Ursula 96 574 7847
RAFA North Costa Blanca
Welfare Pat Goss 96 640 4329 or 646 795 456
U3A Calpe
☎ Churches
Anglican Warden Penny Pearson 96 583 1089
Spiritually Free Society Sharon 96 583 6214
Calpe Christian Fellowship (located under Edificio Perlamar)
670 491 283 or 96 649 3743
☎ Health and wellbeing
Salud (Health centre) 96 687 0450 (appointments)
Casa del Mar (pediatric plus) 96 583 7153
Air Ambulance
CEGA Bournemouth +44 1243 621 097
Wings Bristol +44 117 971 933
Capital Exeter +44 1823 661 616
Servicios sociales 96 583 7223
Social Worker Civic Centre
Shaila Monasor Ortola 96 583 9600 (speaks English)
Alcoholics Anonymous
Meet Sun & Tues 96 649 5345 or 657 395 626
3C Agency: Caring, Companionship & Cleaning
Affordable Prices
Ray 671 856 870 Clare 671 856 875 Sue 664 266 991
Mosaic: British private nursing agency
Hilary (Nurse co-ordinator for Altea to Dénia) 619 887 764
Assessment charge, then hourly rate for nurses or carers
Morag: RGN, in Calpe, but not Spanish registered
650 015 747 (you will be referred on)
Calpe home help Karen 96 583 4471 or 686 786 589
MABS Cancer Support Jacqueline Philips 96 579 4083
Caring Together: Hospice & cancer advice given
Henry Lock 96 589 4240 or 649 956 365
Cancer Buddies Network: an Internet site giving opportunities for
people with cancer in Spain to meet others & help each other
Co-ordinated by Sharon 96 583 8550
Help of Calpe (our local part of the Help of Dénia organisation)
Provides assistance on all fronts, including the supply of
mobility aids and general welfare assistance
Terry 616 237 135
La Saleta Calpe nursing home 902 200 171
Sol y Mar Calpe nursing home
Patricia, social worker 96 583 9990
The Forum: elderly complex in Alfaz del Pi 96 687 4000
Colina Club: retirement village 96 583 5226 or 619 652 497
Itziar Doval Camara, director
Costa Blanca Samaritans
24-hour helpline 902 883 535
Costa Blanca Mobility: mobility aids
David Gannon 96 558 4161
Jacks Lifts S.L.: rent or buy scooters, mobility aids, hoists etc.
96 583 1021 or 670 387 967
Private Physiotherapists
Martha 652 606 404
Joan McLellan 609 954 237
Speech therapist & strokes
Bridget Redmond 96 573 2529
Cost: 40 euros an hour
Alzheimers Association
Dénia Sally Burnett 96 642 3673
Javea Laura Videl 96 579 2576
Chiropodist Philip Mann 686 912 307
Home visits or Clinica Britannia
Age Concern 902 003 838 or 96 678 6887
Pat & Sheila 97 171 8794
Meals Delivered
Cathy Hunter 96 583 6120 or 686 773 442
Costs 3-5 euros a meal
Addicts rehabilitation: Betel
Christian charity with a home in Valencia
(Madrid) 91 525 222
Valencia hostel 96 341 0433
Gandía hostel for homeless men with no family (Spanish speaking)
English contact: Stephen 96 280 7483
☎ Calpe animal protection
Municipal animal pound 96 583 9294
Perrera de Calpe Dogs' Spa
Ellinor Gonzalez 96 583 0817 or 620 106 733
S.P.A. Las Bassettes 2-H
Cats: Sonja Limmer 96 583 2358
Clinica Veterinaria las Salinas 96 583 4766 or 608 861 473 (private)
Clinica Veterinaria Calpe 96 583 0866
Clinica Veterinaria Ifach 96 583 7136 or 608 400 142
Monica will see strays at a reduced rate
Martina's dog hotel 607 708 048
☎ Costa Blanca animal protection
P.E.P.A. (Animal Rescue) 678 419 983
Dogs & cats:
P.E.P.A. 650 304 746 for dogs
605 460 828 (Pat) for cats
S.P.A.M.A. Gandía 96 280 7042 (Cris) or 962896118 (Gail)
A.A.A. Alfaz del Pi
96 588 7116 (Nicole)
96 588 9071 /Dorothy)
P.A.C.K. Polop 647 627 429
APASA 96 575 6890
S.P.A.P. Benidorm 96 585 6268
S.A.T. Torrevieja 96 671 0047
Benidorm Animal Centre: Maria 677 373 396
Asoc protectora de animales El Campello 96 569 9028 (Eve)
Dénia dog sanctuary 699 872 157 (Steve)
AKIRA Dog Sanctuary: Shelter 657 689 567
Gatami 96 680 6976 or 654 729 977 (Anna)
Aldea Felina Dénia cat protection
Lynda 628 498 813, Sara 616 339 307.
A.P.A.G.A.N. Denia 96 642 1864
The OAC is the Office for Attention to Citizens. Its office is on the ground floor of the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall). You can call in person (and collect a ticket, to be called in order) or make an appointment through the Municipal website, or by calling any of the following phone numbers:
687 648 761
687 648 757
687 648 752
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM |
Friday | 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM |
Saturday | 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM |
Spanish residency certificates
The green residency cerificate remains valid.
- UK Nationals who were residing in Spain before 31st December 2020 obtained the rights set out in the Withdrawal Agreement.
- To prove that they are beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement and therefore their residence status, they can use the registration certificate (known as, green certificate) either A4 size or credit card, or the new residence document-TIE artículo 50 TUE.
- Registration certificates issued more than 5 years ago also remain valid, even if they do not say permanente on them.
- For more information, check online here.
Voting in UK elections
The key information can be found on voting-if-you-live-overseas.
Additional information:
To register to vote at a UK Parliament election, you need to complete an application. You can apply:
- Online
- By downloading, printing and completing an application form.
You may also be able to apply by telephone. If your last UK address was in:
- England or Wales, contact your local council to find out if you can apply by telephone. You can enter the postcode of your last UK address into this search to find their contact details
- Scotland, contact your electoral registration office to find out if you can apply by telephone. You can enter the postcode of your last UK address into this search to find their contact details.
If further evidence is needed, you can find a list of documents that may be accepted here.
If you wish to make a complaint or appeal a decision you can find information about how to do this here.
Calpe local market: every Saturday morning
Calpe rastro (flea market): every Wednesday morning
Taxes: keep up to date!
There are two payment periods in the year:
- March - April
During this period, you need to pay:- Motor Vehicle Tax
- Municipal Taxes: for rubbish collection, sewage, etc.
- August - September
During this period, you need to pay:- Property Tax (IBI)
- Tax on Economic Activities (IAE)
For more specific advice, you may like to join the Association.
Renewing your Padrón
If you are a resident in Spain you should renew your Padrón (Municipal Register) every five years. The Padrón Office of the Calpe Town Hall will send you a letter reminding you to do so.
You will be attended to by personnel in the OAC. (See contact details and opening hours under the heading “The OAC”)
Frequently asked questions
To see the answer, tap or click on the question. (Tapping/clicking will also hide it again.)
- Q. What are the formalities needed to become an official Spanish resident?
- If you live in Spain for more than 6 months in any year, then you are deemed in law to be resident. This entails you visiting either Dénia or Benidorm to obtain a residence certificate from the police (Policía Nacional). The Altea office no longer accepts applications from UK citizens.
- You will need to make an appointment, which can be 2 or 3 months ahead.
- If this is your first application, you will need your passport, your NIE, your Padrón notification as proof of residence, plus proof of income stamped by your bank. You will be given the certificate the same day, once you have nipped out to a bank and paid your dues.
- If renewing, you will need your old residence card, and your current passport, plus a photo copy of the relevant page of the passport.
- Further help and assistance is available to members.
- Q. How do I sign on to the Padrón?
- The Padrón office in Calpe is on the ground floor of the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall), Avenida Ifach 12, in the Oficina Atención al Ciudadano (OAC).
- You will need your passport and a photocopy of the important pages. You will also need proof that you live at your address, such as your deed of home ownership or notarised lease contract, plus (say) an electricity bill in your name.
- If you want to vote in Calpe local elections, when you are registering on the Padrón you can inform the Ayuntamiento of your wish to do so. You will not be asked if you wish to vote: you have to tell them you wish to do so.
- Office hours are on this page. Further information (including a photo of the office) may be available, in English, on the English page of the Town Hall Web site—but the site is constantly, and often confusingly, being updated.
If you have a question not answered here, you may like to join the Association.